Sean Aaron Bowers

Fueled by iced tea and unpopular opinions

Sean’s New Site: Take 42

I have decided that in 2024 that I am finally going to start writing again and give it one last shot at greatness. Since graduating college in 2018, as well as a series of events that eventually landed me as an official “Out of Print” writer, I have been hiding and tending to my wounded ego (even though it was mostly my own doing). How unaware I was that a Bachelors degree now carries as much weight as a GED used to, and nobody is banging on the doors of English majors with Creative Writing minors, regardless of assumed status and publications.

(I am so good at over-valuing my own worth)

So, I am guessing you might be pondering my plans for this site. Well, I am happy to announce that I have absolutely no clue. However, due the ever-present nauseating revulsion I feel when engaging on [anti]social media, I have always felt the need to have a valid space on the internet that is genuinely mine, even though no one really looks at anything other than social media or the occasional listicle blog, hoping to find the best vegan gym shoes for wide-footed overweight men with bad knees. But it is a place I can go to for my egregious hot-takes on seemingly innocuous and innocent societal norms, as is my MO, as well as offer some genuine and, I hope, original insight on cultural events and a place to talk about writing and art and the like.

As most of the 4 people who might actually read this post know, this is the umpteenth version of a website that I have glued together with Legos, spit, and the dream that, for whatever reason, I might mean more to world as a greater whole. I think I have finally resigned to using WordPress, as it is simple, and I can write and publish from a cloud-based web app that I can pull up in any browser on any machine (I use 4 computers on a regular, and never sync any of them or back anything up, ever). I am hoping that I don’t get a wild hair up my ass all of sudden (yet again) and abandon this entirely, like I seem to do with every project (even my own books, hah!). I genuinely love the minimal dark-theme I have going on right now, so that gives me hope.

I will say, one of the projects I am hoping to host here is at least a weekly blog on film, as I begin my journey into the realm of screenwriting. I have always loved film as a medium, and I have fallen even deeper in love with the art form since discovering Criterion and taken some film classes in college. So I am hoping, once a week, I will watch a film on Criterion Channel and critique it from a novice layman’s perspective. I have always believed that one of the major barriers between the working class and some of the “higher art forms” is accessibility, often denoted in the jargon. So, I hope to be able to attack that boundary somewhat and bring honest criticism that anybody can relate to.

Thank you so much for reading. One person reading my seemingly senseless meanderings always means the world to me. I am a deeply opinionated and verbose person, and anyone willing to put up with that kind of torture is either a real friend and/or a genuinely curious mind, both types I love and admire deeply.